1. able to match 3-4 kinds of colors and recognize their names.
2. able to count numbers from one to ten.
3. able to draw head and other body parts of when drawing a portrait.
4. able to tell which one is big/small, long/short, smooth/rough, hard/soft between two items.
5. able to classify and arrange items, such as food, clothes. And can classify items according to their functions, such as shoes with socks, cups with dishes.
1. able to understand slightly abstract words, such as “same/different”, “open/close”, “above/below”, “inside/outside”.
2. able to understand what is “pretending”.
3 able to listen to stories and often asks to repeat his favorite story.
4. able to give brief description on past things in sequence.
5. able to use words like “here”, “there”, “you and me”, etc.
6. able to use motions when reciting children's songs, though the pronunciation is not clear, he/she can generally make others (including strangers) understand what they are saying.
1. able to use foot to move forward and hands to drive when playing bicycle.
2. able to catch a ball thrown towards him/her.
3. able to catch a ball thrown towards him/her.
4. able to glue with fingers.
5. able to use the first three fingers to hold pencil when drawing.
6. able to fill color into the drawing, but most of the times he/she just muddles the color.
7. draw cross line and oblique line by imitation.
8. able to screw lids.
1. his/her interest and attention start to be drawn by things outside his/her family, likes to go around.
2. able to play toys alone.
3. able to go to the toilet on his/her own and barely pisses pants during the day.
4. able to put on/off pants on his/her own.
5. barely able to put on/off loose coat on his/her own.
6. able to unfasten big buttons.
7. likes to participate in games led by adults, able to follow the game rules.
8. able to be polite, able to say “excuse me”, “thank you” when reminded.